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  2. 期刊清單-過刊
共 1285 筆資料
期刊名稱 排架位置 電子期刊 帳號/密碼
TDRI Quarterly Review 一般過刊區-西文111-1 ******
The American Asian Review 一般過刊區- ******
The American Economist 一般過刊區- ******
The American Journal of Economics and Sociology 一般過刊區- ******
The American Political Science Review 一般過刊區-西文5-3 ******
The AMEX Bank Review 一般過刊區- ******
The Asian Economic Review 一般過刊區- ******
The Australian Economic Review 一般過刊區- ******
The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 一般過刊區- ******
The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs 一般過刊區- ******
The Business Review 一般過刊區- ******
The Canadian Journal of Economics. Revue Canadienne D'Economique 一般過刊區- ******
The Cato Journal 一般過刊區- ******
The China Business Review 一般過刊區- ******
The China Journal 大陸過刊區-大陸102-1 ******
The China Quarterly 一般過刊區- ******
The Chinese Economy: Translations and Studies 一般過刊區- ******
The Developing Economies 一般過刊區-西文19-4 ******
The Economic Journal : the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Economic Society 一般過刊區- ******
The Economics of Transition 一般過刊區- ******