
  1. 首頁
  2. 期刊清單-過刊
共 1285 筆資料
期刊名稱 排架位置 電子期刊 帳號/密碼
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Theory and Applications 一般過刊區- ******
Short-Term Economic Indicators, transition economies 一般過刊區- ******
Sino-Soviet Affairs 一般過刊區- ******
Social Science Japan 一般過刊區-西文106-3 ******
Social Sciences in China 一般過刊區- ******
Southern Economic Journal 一般過刊區- ******
Spatial Economic Analysis 一般過刊區-西文107-1 ******
Statistica Sinica ******
Statistica Sinica 一般過刊區-西文107-6 ******
Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific 一般過刊區- ******
Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean 一般過刊區- ******
Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of China 一般過刊區- ******
Statistics of World Trade in Steel 一般過刊區- ******
STI Review 一般過刊區- ******
Studies in Political Economy 一般過刊區- ******
Studies on Russian Economic Development 一般過刊區- ******
Taiwan Business Topics 一般過刊區-西文110-5 ******
Taiwan Review 一般過刊區- ******
Taiwan Statistical Data Book 一般過刊區-西文過刊110-5 ******
Taiwan Sugar 一般過刊區- ******